Energy transmission control for a Gridconnected modern power system Non-Linear loads with a Series Multi-Stage Transformer Voltage Reinjection with controlled converters
MLA Style: Appalabathula Venkatesh, Shankar Nalinakshan, S S Kiran, Pradeepa H "Energy transmission control for a Gridconnected modern power system Non-Linear loads with a Series Multi-Stage Transformer Voltage Reinjection with controlled converters" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.8(2020):97-101.
APA Style:Appalabathula Venkatesh, Shankar Nalinakshan, S S Kiran, Pradeepa H. Energy transmission control for a Gridconnected modern power system Non-Linear loads with a Series Multi-Stage Transformer Voltage Reinjection with controlled converters International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(8), 97-101.
The effective way of energy transmission plays a key factor in improving the overall transmission systems efficiency. Many methods are proposed to control the reactive power flow, voltage fluctuations and power factor improvement, The proposed converter topology gives a much significant improvement in transmission systems performance which includes multistage transformers control with the controlled converters along with the series active filters. The overall control strategy which involves the Multistage Voltage Re-Injection Transformer Controlled Converters (MSVRITCC) to reinject the voltages into the grid to compensate the voltages and remaining parameters and power flow control. The proposed topology improves the grid security, flexibility in reaching the desired load requirements with grid adaptability and reduces THD values into a significant values and made the control of power conditioning circuit flexible and easy to perform the voltage compensations in grid to load connected applications. The binary control is used to trigger the power converter circuits which made the controlling much simpler.
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Topology, Power converters, Grid, Power flow control, Series Active Filters.