Productivity Improvement In Companies of A Wooden Furniture Cluster In Peru
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J. Baca, F. Sánchez, P. Castro, E. Marcelo, J.C. Alvarez, "Productivity Improvement In Companies of A Wooden Furniture Cluster In Peru," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 97-107, 2021. Crossref,
During these times, productivity in furniture stores, especially in SMEs, has taken on vital importance, thus compromising the growth of these companies in the market. Productivity is exposed since unproductive times are generated by activities that do not add value to the final product. The present study seeks to increase productivity by addressing the reasons and root causes identified in the study, the high downtime due to disorder in the area (42.1%), delays due to a poor work method (36.7%), and shortage of materials and supplies ( 21.2%). The proposed model is based on the tools that address the identified reasons: System Layout Planning (SLP) in order to correctly redistribute the work floor, Standardization Work (SW) improves the processes and activities carried out by operators and 5S`s to improve the work environment that allows increased productivity in the company under study, achieving a competitive index in the international market. Among the main results of the investigation, the reduction of travel times, an increase in the 5S audit rating, and an increase in value-added time were obtained. In conclusion, the implementation of the proposed model achieves the objective of increasing productivity by reducing production time by 42% so that the units to be produced increase from 78 to 98 upholstered furniture.
Furniture Industry, Systematic Layout Planning, Lean Manufacturing, Productivity, SMEs.
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