Implementation of an FM Radio Station to Facilitate Remote Education in the District of Cojata
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Walther Calvo-Niño, Brian Meneses-Claudio, Alexi Delgado, "Implementation of an FM Radio Station to Facilitate Remote Education in the District of Cojata," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 118-127, 2021. Crossref,
INEI affirms that in 2020 6.7% of the student population of Regular Basic Education (RBE) belonging to rural areas did not access any type of distance education implemented by the Ministerio de Educación (MINEDU) due to social isolation by the National Emergency by the COVID- 19. That is why the research work is proposed, which consists of providing coverage with a radio signal in modulated frequency (FM) to the towns that belong to the district of Cojata-Puno and other beneficiaries, to retransmit information related to virtual education denominated “Aprendo en Casa” that is transmitted by web, radio, and television in national channels. In this project, the satellite signal of National Radio of Peru will be used to broadcast the audio programs through the modulated frequency signal, for which studies were first carried out to raise the profile of the project, which consists in obtaining the geographical coordinates and the elevation profile to determine the free space for the propagation of the radio frequency signal and to verify the broad coverage of the signal in the strategic areas, for the location of the places, the different simulations with the support of radio Mobile software, Google Earth and MMANA-GAL, obtaining favorable line-of-sight results with 100% of the first Fresnel zone cleared with respect to the Kantati Ururi community with a reception level of -49.7 dBm which means a high hearing level at the receiver. It is concluded that it is possible to provide a radio signal using FM.
Radiofrequency; Fresnel zone; rated power; coverage; effective power; impedance; coupling; electric field.
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