Composition of Feature Selection Methods And Oversampling Techniques For Banking Fraud Detection With Artificial Intelligence
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Bouzgarne Itri, Youssfi Mohamed, Bouattane Omar, Qbadou Mohamed, "Composition of Feature Selection Methods And Oversampling Techniques For Banking Fraud Detection With Artificial Intelligence," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 216-226, 2021. Crossref,
The digital age is accompanied by a proliferation of crimes and attacks against institutions handling banking data, such as card fraud and electronic payments. The traditional protection systems used by banks based on rules and signatures are proving increasingly insufficient and ineffective in the face of constantly evolving attack techniques. Artificial intelligence and machine learning becoming dominant problem-solving techniques to fill these gaps. Thus, this article proposes a new approach for optimising the performance of prediction models for fraud detection in the case of credit cards. Although fraud prediction algorithms have been developed to deal with the problem, they still encounter some very common difficulties due to the imbalance data set. Hence, this study proposes a new composition-based algorithm, an approach that combines oversampling and feature selection methods to find the best combination of several supervised classification algorithms. This work aim to maximise the performance of the fraudulent transaction detection model in the presence of an imbalanced Dataset, while illustrating the impact of oversampling methods on the relevance of features. This research obtains the best performance in comparison to the pervious results on the same scope.
Machine Learning, Oversampling, Feature Selection, imbalanced dataset, credit card, Fraud.
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