The Efficiency of Qualitatively New Technologies: Investigation of the Tunneling Effect during the Movement of Free Electrons in Solar Cells
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Damir R. Bekbulatov, Elena M. Kryukova, Irina V. Belyanina, Ekaterina L. Arzamasova, Vera V. Chizhikova, "The Efficiency of Qualitatively New Technologies: Investigation of the Tunneling Effect during the Movement of Free Electrons in Solar Cells," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 303-306, 2021. Crossref,
Solar photovoltaic conversion refers to the use of elements that convert solar energy into electrical energy. Today, humanity is actively converting light energy into electrical energy through semiconductors. In this connection, one of the relevant aspects of contemporary physics is studying the need for a more orderly movement of free electrons in solar cells. This can be achieved by using the tunneling effect. Tunneling refers to a quantum mechanical phenomenon when particles pass through a potential barrier that they could not have overcome in the usual classical way. This plays an important role in several physical phenomena, such as alpha decay and nuclear fusion that occurs in the main sequence of stars like the Sun.
free electrons, solar cells, semiconductors, new technologies, modern physics.
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