Factors Influencing SMEs towards Execution of Technology Adoption Model in Cloud Computing

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-3
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : R. Santhana Lakshmi, S. Jayalakshmi
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I3P229


MLA Style: R. Santhana Lakshmi, S. Jayalakshmi"Factors Influencing SMEs towards Execution of Technology Adoption Model in Cloud Computing" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.3(2021):189-194. 

APA Style:R. Santhana Lakshmi, S. Jayalakshmi. Factors Influencing SMEs towards Execution of Technology Adoption Model in Cloud Computing  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(3),189-194.

SMEs are the base for any economy, and the adoption of ICT has been the survival strategy for many small business owners. SMEs have to adapt to the latest technologies to meet up to the customers’ expectations. However, they have their cost constraints in the process of adopting themselves to such technologies. The study aimed to apply the Technology Adoption Model to identify the variables that propel SMEs in the process of implementing Cloud computing. The objective of the study is to match TAM with respect to the adoption of Cloud technology by SMEs. TAM is based on key principles such as expected acceptance, expected ease of implementation, behavioral purpose, and real intent to implement the application that seeks to communicate with Cloud computing.TAM was adopted for designing a conceptual model of the study. 101 SMEs were the respondents of the present online survey. The hypotheses were tested based on TAM, and the inference was concluded based on appropriate statistical tests. The study findings showed that the relative impact of perceived use of deployment in Cloud computing was statistically substantial, and perceived affluence of deployment in Cloud computing. The position of the behavioral need to embrace Cloud computing is statistically imperative in terms of shaping the real purpose of SMEs to implement Cloud computing.

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Cloud Computing, SME, TAM, Perceived External Support, Information Intensity, Competitive Environment, Complexity, Compatibility, Perceived Use, Perceived Ease of Use