Intelligent Quality Control of Shrimp Aquaculture Based On Real-Time System and IoT Using Mobile Device

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Yuda Irawan, Hendry Fonda, Eka Sabna, Anita Febriani
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I4P208


MLA Style: Yuda Irawan, Hendry Fonda, Eka Sabna, Anita Febriani  "Intelligent Quality Control of Shrimp Aquaculture Based On Real-Time System and IoT Using Mobile Device" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.4(2021):49-56. 

APA Style:Yuda Irawan, Hendry Fonda, Eka Sabna, Anita Febriani. Intelligent Quality Control of Shrimp Aquaculture Based On Real-Time System and IoT Using Mobile Device  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(4),49-56.

This research consists of monitoring the pH of the water, monitoring the flow of currents, and monitoring the temperature. This monitoring is very important because it affects the growth and success of cultivating shrimp. In this case, the pH of the water must be kept from 7.5 to 8.5. temperature also affects water quality so that the optimal water temperature for shrimp farming is 28 ° - 30 ° C. and the speed of water flow that must be maintained is 3.1 m / s to 3.6 m / s. Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that can exchange various sources of information, interact with objects around us through an internet connection that can be controlled remotely. Tools in the form of a water pH sensor PH-4502C, a water flow sensor for water flow, and a DS18B20 temperature sensor that is connected to the ESP32 Module. The results of this study from the sensor measurement data compared with the results of the measuring device on the pH sensor of the water have an error percentage of 0.42%, the temperature sensor has an error percentage of 2.80%, while the current sensor has an error percentage of 3.22%. The aver-age obtained on the water ph sensor is 7.8, the current sensor is 3.3 m / s, and the temperature sensor is 2.8 C °.

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Internet of Things (IoT), water pH PH-4502C, Water flow sensor, temperature sensor DS18B20, Mobile