A Mobile Mapping System of All Industrial Oxygen Sales Locations And Free Locations In Lima - Peru
MLA Style: León Carhuas Benjamin, Mendoza Velásquez Cinthia, Alexi Delgado, Enrique Lee Huamaní "A Mobile Mapping System of All Industrial Oxygen Sales Locations And Free Locations In Lima - Peru" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.4(2021):76-80.
APA Style:León Carhuas Benjamin, Mendoza Velásquez Cinthia, Alexi Delgado, Enrique Lee Huamaní. A Mobile Mapping System of All Industrial Oxygen Sales Locations And Free Locations In Lima - Peru International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(4),76-80.
At the beginning of 2020, a pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization, caused by covid-19, this being a disease that attacks the lungs and causes difficulty when breathing, hospitalized people are placed on stretchers next to an artificial respirator connected to an oxygen balloon, with the passing of the months it became difficult to get oxygen balloons due to its demand, to help in this problem a mobile mapping system was made in which it provides me with the location where I can get oxygen balloons in sales or for free, you can see the district and the exact locations where you can get oxygen balloons, you will also get the information from the supplier. The Scrum methodology was applied since it is adaptable to changes, difficulties that were on the way could be solved without affecting the progress of the project.
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Android Studio, Breathing difficulty, Scrum methodology, industrial oxygen.