Extraction of Chlorophyll From Technologically Prepared Spinach Leaves
MLA Style: A. Kh-Kh. Nugmanov, I.Yu. Aleksanyan, M.A.S. Barzola, L.M. Titova, Z.M. Arabova "Extraction of Chlorophyll From Technologically Prepared Spinach Leaves" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.4(2021):100-106.
APA Style:A. Kh-Kh. Nugmanov, I.Yu. Aleksanyan, M.A.S. Barzola, L.M. Titova, Z.M. Arabova. Extraction of Chlorophyll From Technologically Prepared Spinach Leaves International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(4),100-106.
The purpose of this research is to improve the processes of obtaining chlorophyll extract from technologically prepared spinach leaves, which will eventually produce fat-soluble chlorophyll paste. According to this objective, the authors solved a number of problems. In particular, they selected rational technological solutions for preparing plant raw materials in order to extract photosynthetic pigments from them. The authors also identified specific features of the use of ultrasound at this stage, which resulted in the choice of rational temperature conditions when it affects plant material. Additionally, the identified kinetic regularities of the extraction process are presented, and a rational approach to extracting the target component from the object of study is proposed on their basis. As a result, due to the analysis of the structures of extraction plants for processes in the solid-liquid system, the article provides practical recommendations for implementing the research results. Namely, a two-section original installation for obtaining alcohol extract with the specified indicators of the final volume concentration of the target component in it is proposed.
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Chlorophyll, extraction, ultrasound, process kinetics, kinetic coefficients.