Prototype of An Application For Capacity Monitoring In Places of Voting To Prevent The Spread of Covid-19
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Alexis Carrion-Silva, Angie Reyes-Calderon, Alexi Delgado, Enrique Lee Huamaní, "Prototype of An Application For Capacity Monitoring In Places of Voting To Prevent The Spread of Covid-19," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 51-56, 2021. Crossref,
This research work is based on the problem of social distancing that will influence the next presidential elections in Peru, due to the global pandemic that is being experienced worldwide due to COVID-19 being the agglomeration of people one of the main causes of its spread. Faced with this problem, the development of the capacity control prototype has been proposed, to avoid the increase of contagions towards the health of citizens, in such a way it was developed through the four phases of the Rapid Development Methodology (RAD) which had as The result was the creation of prototypes carried out in Balsamiq and adobe XD, the results were obtained through surveys carried out by voting citizens, consulting their opinion of the prototypes shown as well as the importance of a capacity control application, these results can benefit all voting citizens since a capacity control will avoid the agglomeration of people avoiding infections.
Agglomeration, capacity of polling stations, covid-19, elections, RAD methodology.
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