Introduction to Indonesian Syllables Using the LPC Method and the Neural Network of Backpropagation
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Mochammad Haldi Widianto, Husni Iskandar Pohan, Davy Ronald Hermanus, "Introduction to Indonesian Syllables Using the LPC Method and the Neural Network of Backpropagation," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 137-146, 2021. Crossref,
Sound is the essential component in the development of digital technology today to make human life more manageable. Various voice recognition systems have been developed in multiple countries with multiple languages. This system consists of 4 processes: sound recording, preprocessing, and feature extraction. One method uses Linear Predictive Code (LPC), and the sound classification process uses the Backpropagation Neural Network method. There are 115 syllables and 74 different syllables of the 50 spoken Indonesian words. The total syllables used in Indonesian are 690 syllables from 60 respondents. The accuracy results in the Indonesian syllable recognition system are 100% able to recognize 85 training data from every 20 respondents. The best accuracy is obtained, namely 84% of the 20 respondents who have been tested. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the more training data that is processed in the network, the higher the accuracy of the success obtained.
Voice recognition, Linear Predictive Code, backpropagation neural network
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