Study On Vibration Massage To Make Shaving More Comfortable

Study On Vibration Massage To Make Shaving More Comfortable

© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-6
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Zhixing Tian, Ik-soo Ahn, Myung-Jin Bae
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I6P216

How to Cite?

Zhixing Tian, Ik-soo Ahn, Myung-Jin Bae, "Study On Vibration Massage To Make Shaving More Comfortable," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 111-114, 2021. Crossref,

Shaving is a daily routine for adult men, and most of them have encountered discomfort caused by manifestations. A common discomfort is shaving burns, burns after shaving, even redness, swelling, and inflamma-tion. It is mainly due to the adverse effects of the razor on the skin caused by irritation. This paper proposes using a vibrating device to massage the face before shaving to relieve skin irritation. Two evaluation methods were used in the study, sound spectrum analysis and mean opinion score (Mos) test. Sound spectrum analysis is used to ana-lyse the working status of the razor objectively. The tester`s Mos test can reflect people`s subjective feelings about the comfort of shaving. The results show that vibration mas-sage can make the beard more easily cut, reducing the skin`s sensitivity and discomfort. Vibration massage can make shaving easier and more comfortable.

Vibration Massage, Wet Shave, Comfort, Sound Spectrum Analysis, Mos Test.

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