Control of non-linear Quadrotor using PID and Backstepping Techniques

Control of non-linear Quadrotor using PID and Backstepping Techniques

© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Ritika Thusoo, Sheilza Jain, Sakshi Bangia
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I7P223

How to Cite?

Ritika Thusoo, Sheilza Jain, Sakshi Bangia, "Control of non-linear Quadrotor using PID and Backstepping Techniques," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 167-173, 2021. Crossref,

Quadrotorcan takeoff and land from any surface vertically. It has four rotors attached to each side of the arm and a processing unit attached to the center. The Quadrotor has rotational and translational movement. Rotational movements are known as roll, pitch, and yaw angles. The translational movements are along the x, y, and z planes. These movements are achieved by varying the voltages of the four rotors, which generate thrust and angular movement of the Quadrotor. In this paper, a mathematical model of Quadrotor is developed in MATLAB Simulink. Angle (Attitude) and Height (Altitude) of the Quadrotor are controlled using a PID controller. For position control, the Backstepping control technique is implemented. But to obtain a stable response for the motion along x and y, PID controller gains are tuned using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) code. Similarly, the PID controller gain used in the subsystem that represents motion along the z-axis is tuned by cascading a PI controller with the subsystem. The paper is concluded with complete control of all six parameters of the Quadrotor system.

Backstepping, PID, PSO, PI-PID Quadrotor.

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