Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Powder; Comparison of Three Methods

Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Powder; Comparison of Three Methods

© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Adoum Traoré Ndama, Elysée Obame Ndong, Yves Constant Mombo Boussougou, Gaston N’Tchayi Mbourou
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I8P206

How to Cite?

Adoum Traoré Ndama, Elysée Obame Ndong, Yves Constant Mombo Boussougou, Gaston N’Tchayi Mbourou, "Measurement of Electrical Resistivity of Powder; Comparison of Three Methods," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 41-48, 2021. Crossref,

The use of powder dielectric material in industrial applications is responsible for electrostatic charge accumulation, which can cause damages such as fires or explosions. In this paper, we present three different methods for the characterization of the resistivity of powders. The first method is based on Ohm`s Law. The sample of powder to be tested is placed in a measuring cell between two electrodes subjected to high DC voltage. The second method is the AC resistivity measurement, which makes use of an LCR-meter, and the third method is the measurement of surface resistivity by the decay of charge over time. The results obtained show a match between these techniques as a function of the batches of powder and a considerable dispersion for some others. Indeed, the results obtained have shown that the AC method is better for size measurement of irregular glass beads and the DC method is adequate for size measurement of spherical glass beads. As for the results found by the charge decay method under the same conditions of temperature and relative humidity, they differ from others in 104 times more important. For charge decay measurement, it has been shown that the shape of the glass beads does not significantly influence the resistivity results.

electrical resistivity, powder dielectric material.

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