Advent Geospatial Technologies In Land Evaluation: A Critical Review
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Balaji Lakshmana Rao, Muthukannan Muthiah, Naveen Raj Thangasamy, Prabakaran Kulandaisamy, "Advent Geospatial Technologies In Land Evaluation: A Critical Review," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 190-205, 2021. Crossref,
This literature review was conducted with an aim to create a clear empirical methodology for the real estate evaluation and to determine & predict the land values using recent geospatial technologies. A number of peer review papers have been published by reputed journals nationally and internationally, government and non-government organizations also published reports regarding the real estate valuations through formal analyses. These published articles and reports were obtained from library and internet sources for review. It is found from the review that there is a strong mutual connection between real estate development and the GDP growth of a country. However, it is continuously affected by various environmental and anthropogenic factors. It can be predicted and analyzed through the recent geospatial models integrated with advanced computational techniques such as AHP, Fuzzy, and ANN. These techniques can be adopted by any region of the world for the optimal real estate evaluation and to precisely calculate the land values based on the evaluation results.
Geospatial, Multi-criteria, AHP, Fuzzy, ANN
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