Devices Communication: Hindrances Toward 6G Network IoT
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Mochammad Haldi Widianto, Maria Artanta Ginting, Johan Muliadi Kerta, "Devices Communication: Hindrances Toward 6G Network IoT," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 140-145, 2021. Crossref,
Internet of Things (IoT) as a future tool that will be used for every line of life, socialization, and business in every corner of cities and villages, networks have been built to connect IoT communications, transportation, and human communication in the future. This is a very difficult challenge to implement. However, the rapid growth of devices, especially those with artificial intelligence, networks, heterogeneous, dynamic, and large-scale, making it difficult to meet requirements, especially the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), such as very low latency, high surveillance, high security, and generation the next massive connection (6G). Recently, 6G learning has emerged as a technique that will help all robust IoT communications make device and wireless connections highly efficient and adaptable. Naturally, the adoption of 6G into IoT communications and networks is a specialized topic and is being studied widely in academia and industry, paving the way for the future of IoT in 6G networks. In this research, the author gives a warm welcome h respect to different IoT methods connected to 6G network communication, 6G learning keys, and several opportunities to conduct research on IoT in general for the world.
Internet of Things, 6G, Communication
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