Mining Patient Health Care Service Opinions for Hospital Recommendations
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G.Sabarmathi, Dr.R.Chinnaiyan, "Mining Patient Health Care Service Opinions for Hospital Recommendations," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 161-167, 2021. Crossref,
Patient’s experience within the hospital environment is of paramount importance for the health care sector. Online reviews are recognized as the significant yardstick to scale the hospital`s performance. This research proposes a novel machine learning-based ensemble classifier model to interpret the reviews in terms of patient’s experience and for the hospital recommendation system. The outcomes were compared with various machine learning classifications using a cross-validation approach to predict the most accurate model. The predicted result brings out an interesting viewpoint that avails the healthcare sector an opportunity to look into their service offerings in improving patient’s experience and hospital recommendation systems.
Patient Reviews, Machine Learning, Classification, ensemble, recommendation
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