An Analytical Study of Object-Oriented Metrics (A Survey)
Mrs. Mansi Aggarwal , Dr. Vinit Kumar Verma , Mr. Harsh Vardhan Mishra. "An Analytical Study of Object-Oriented Metrics (A Survey) ". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V6(2):76-82 Dec 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The OO metrics are plays an important role in the software development. In this paper we are mostly focus on a set of OO metrics that can be used to measure the quality and effectiveness of an OO design. The metrics for OO design focus on measurements that are applied to the class and design characteristics. These measurements of OO metrics also permit the designers to access the software early in process and these changes will reduce the complexity of OO software and improve the continuing capability of the design. This paper also summarizes the existing metrics, which will guide the designers to support their OO design.
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Object-Oriented (OO), NOC, DIT.