Enhancement of Public Transportation Services Using Wireless Technologies
Mr. Mohammad Osman , Ms. Reshma Sultana , Asst.Prof., Ms. Salma Sulthana. "Enhancement of Public Transportation Services Using Wireless Technologies". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V6(7):344-348 Dec 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
One of the major issues now a days is controlling of traffic. The main motive in bringing up this paper is to develop a user friendly system for transportation purpose by involving wireless technologies like Zigbee, RFID, GSM and GPS. The application consists of modules like Base Station module, In-Bus module, Bus-Stop module and Bus- Station module. The first module consists of a PC and GSM. The second module consists of Micro-controllers, GSM Modem, GPS, Zigbee, RFID, LCD and Infrared Sensor. Any of the micro-controllers like PIC, 8051/AT89S52 and ARM7TDMI processor can be employed in building this application. RFID is nothing but radio frequency identification used for identifying an object or a person in space and is used for ticketing purpose, whereas GSM and GPS is used for mobile data transmission. Zigbee is a wireless sensor network which takes full advantage of Zigbee technology, which is used for transmitting and receiving data through networking and this is interfaced with micro-controller to send information from one bus to another bus.
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