Detection of Text from Lecture Video Images using CTPN Algorithm
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Geeta S Hukkeri, R H Goudar, "Detection of Text from Lecture Video Images using CTPN Algorithm," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 179-184, 2022. Crossref,
Text data in lecture video images play a crucial indication in understanding lecture videos. Different stages are involved in the detection of such data from images that are pictured by text detection methods. The goal of this paper is to study the existing text detection methods and reveal the best method among them. This paper presents a deep learning-based methodology known as CTPN that precisely confines text lines in a common picture in the content discovery stage. The CTPN operates dependably on multi-scale and multilanguage text minus any additional post-preparing, withdrawing from past base-up techniques needing multistep post filtering. The result of detected text has been shown in this paper.
Text detection, text localization, Conventional approach, CTPN Algorithm.
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