New Miniature Dual Mode Rat-race Coupler Design for Autonomous Vehicles
How to Cite?
P. Mahalakshmi, R. Vallikannu, "New Miniature Dual Mode Rat-race Coupler Design for Autonomous Vehicles," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 222-233, 2022. Crossref,
With the foundations of dynamic transportation and a growing prevalence, self-driving cars are the driving experience of the future. The challenging study is obstacle avoidance in most electric vehicle systems, which paved the responsibility of performing advanced objective control points to non-collision constraints. The issue with existing implementations of autonomous vehicles is obstacle avoidance, which enables vehicles to reach desired areas while avoiding barriers. Researchers recommend several methods for realizing obstacle detection and collision avoidance. However, most current solutions demonstrated low precision during the tracking process, leading the system to be offensive during bad weather conditions. Therefore, an evolutionary model has been proposed in work presented, having the capability to optimize the performance in terms of crucial parameters towards the bad weather conditions. Hybrid rat-race couplers have been introduced to operate in a dual-band operation, acting as a braking and non-braking function, permitting self-driving automobiles to emerge in a simulated environment. The dual-mode process is simulated using ANSYS resonates at 2.5Ghz. The results indicate a high degree of integration, commonly employed in MIMO research. It also results in reduced echo power in the RADAR direction; it acts as a disputer for electro-magnetic incident waves away from the receiver. The proposed work outperformed two modes and exhibits further enhancements to increase channel capacity with reduced SNR.
Self- Driving Cars, Hybrid Rat-Race coupler, Retrodirective array, LIDAR, Computer Vision Method.
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