Comprehensive Analysis of Single and Multi-Purpose Function-Based Community Detection over Social Media
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Rishank Rathore, Ravi Kumar Singh Pippal, "Comprehensive Analysis of Single and Multi-Purpose Function-Based Community Detection over Social Media," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 108-117, 2022. Crossref,
In parallel with the development of the Internet, social networks have become attractive as research topics in many different disciplines, and the most accurate systems are expressed in complex networks. The most common feature of complex networks is their community structure, where the connections within the node groups are more closely related to the rest of the network. Identifying major clusters and community structures allows discovering organizational rules of complex networks such as web charts and biological networks. In general, the communities seem to overlap. Overlap is when an individual belongs to more than one social group and is one of the characteristic features of social networks. In recent years, overlapping community discovery has received much attention in the application areas of social networks. Many methods using different tools and techniques have been proposed to solve the overlapping community discovery problem. This paper gives a comparative analysis over heuristic overlap community detection algorithm over social media and presents a comprehensive analysis of single and multi-purpose functions for community detection.
Community detection, Heuristic Classification, Optimization Algorithm, Single Function, Multi-Purpose Function, Seed Community.
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