Obtaining Nanocarbon from Local Raw Materials and Studying Its Textural and Sorption Properties
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Hilola N. Xolmirzayeva, Normurot I. Fayzullayev, "Obtaining Nanocarbon from Local Raw Materials and Studying Its Textural and Sorption Properties," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 170-178, 2022. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I2P219
In this article studied the influence of various factors on the synthesis of nano carbons from walnut shells, apricot kernels, methane, natural gas and propane-butane fractions, and also checked the textural and sorption characteristics of the obtained nanocarbon. The catalytic activity of a catalyst containing (CuO)x*(CoO)y*(NiO)z*(Fe2O3)k*(MoO3)m/HSZ prepared based on "sol-gel" technology for the implementation of processes was studied under differential reactor conditions.
The morphological composition of the samples was performed by scanning electron microscopy on an LEO EVO 50 HVP instrument equipped with a part of energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectra were recorded at a working distance of 10 mm at 20 kV. The microstructure of the samples was investigated by the method of a glowing electron microscope on a Jem-2000 CX device. Using the BET method, the specific surface area of the carbon nanotubes was measured. Statistical and morphological characteristics of material porosity were calculated. The specific surface area is 168.7 m2/g, the specific pore volume is 0.456 cm3/g, and the average hole diameter is 2.58 nm. In the case of walnut shells, this absorption band was observed at 1376 cm-1 and 1064 cm-1. When examining samples based on apricot kernels in the infrared spectrum at various temperatures in an inert nitrogen atmosphere, it can be seen that cellulose and lignin are characterized by a strong absorption band, and the treatment decreases with increasing temperature.
The infrared spectra of carbon nanotubes have the same half-width, which indicates a structural change in change in the infrared spectrum in the 1300-1600 cm-1 region. Changes in the infrared spectrum in the bands of ?1330 cm-1 and ?1590 cm-1 indicate the presence of graphite in the composition. This suggests that multilayer pipes differ sharply from single-layer pipes. When analysing the infrared spectra of carbon, the change in the frequency of 1730 cm-1 refers to the longitudinal vibration C=O, which indicates the presence of oxygen groups in the compound. At the same time, the influence of various factors on the rate of formation of nanocarbon from fractions of methane, natural gas and propane-butane was studied, and the optimal conditions for the process were proposed.
Walnut Shells, Apricot Kernels, Methane, Natural Gas, Propane-Butane Fractions, Texture, Sorption, Catalyst, Nanocarbon, Synthesis.
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