Design of Corona-shaped 2X2 UWB- MIMO antenna using Characteristic Mode Analysis
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Ankireddy Chandra Suresh, T. Sreenivasulu Reddy, "Design of Corona-shaped 2X2 UWB- MIMO antenna using Characteristic Mode Analysis," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 275-283, 2022. Crossref,
A Corona Shaped 2X2 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) UWB antenna with dimensions of 36x18x1.6mm3 (0.32?x0.16?x0.0144?) is proposed for wireless communication. A novel designing procedure is achieved through characteristic mode analysis (CMA). CMA is used to analyze the physical structure of an antenna and its dominant mode. The proposed UWB-MIMO antenna comprises two monopole circular-shaped radiators that act as radiating elements to the MIMO antenna to achieve UWB operation. The designed antenna achieved isolation greater than 18 dB, and return losses are S11
UWB-MIMO, CMA, Isolation, Mean effective Gain, Dominant Mode.
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