An Application Data Privacy Preservation Strategy for MANET 2ACK to Identify and Mitigate the Effect of Routing Issue
An Application Data Privacy Preservation Strategy for MANET 2ACK to Identify and Mitigate the Effect of Routing Issue |
© 2022 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-70 Issue-7 |
Year of Publication : 2022 | ||
Authors : D. Naga Tej, K V Ramana |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V70I7P239 |
How to Cite?
D. Naga Tej, K V Ramana, "An Application Data Privacy Preservation Strategy for MANET 2ACK to Identify and Mitigate the Effect of Routing Issue" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 377-387, 2022. Crossref,
Data privacy is concerned when transferring sensitive data over a multi-hop channel in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET). It is likely that undesirable data exposure could result in privacy violations and that this information will be used to launch various attacks against diverse targets. There are various ways for the confidentiality of Adhoc Nodes information may be protected, each of which is addressed in further detail below. However, the drawback of using these solutions in a MANET is that it requires high computational costs and significant time delays. A computational intelligence-based data privacy solution has been provided to keep the processing power to an absolute minimum. When defining the data characteristics that should be kept secret, it uses a data anonymization technique based on rough set theory to determine such characteristics. A diverse collection of trustworthy and neighbor nodes is selected during each routing phase, with the number of routes available changing dynamically. Data is delivered and received as a result of this selection. It is also stated that the identity of the recipient will remain anonymous. Various routing with network sizes was used to accomplish the work, which was completed by simulating it in various network sizes. The outcome of this study is quite beneficial in most circumstances for the Application of Data Privacy Preservation Strategy, which was the subject of this study.
2ACK, MANETs, Routing fault, Selfish node.
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