Soft Computing based Dual Way Data Modification to Deal with Data Imbalance Problem: Applied to Churn Prediction in Credit Card Users
Soft Computing based Dual Way Data Modification to Deal with Data Imbalance Problem: Applied to Churn Prediction in Credit Card Users |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-11 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : M.A.H. Farquad, Patlolla Venkat Reddy, Mohammad Sanaullah Qaseem, Syeda Husna Mehanoor |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I11P204 |
How to Cite?
M.A.H. Farquad, Patlolla Venkat Reddy, Mohammad Sanaullah Qaseem, Syeda Husna Mehanoor, "Soft Computing based Dual Way Data Modification to Deal with Data Imbalance Problem: Applied to Churn Prediction in Credit Card Users," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 33-44, 2023. Crossref,
The data generated by the industry is imbalanced in nature, with nil or least number of samples about customers who are very important to the business, and the industry cannot take chances of losing them to their competitors. Hence, it becomes highly impossible to understand who is important and who is not. It is also a fact that soft computing algorithms tend to produce sub-optimal solutions using imbalanced training data. This paper proposes a data modification procedure to deal with the data imbalance problem. The proposed approach consists of three major steps, viz. (i) feature ranking, (ii) support vector extraction and vector modification and (iii) prediction. Feature ranking is first employed, and top features are selected for further processing. Support vectors are extracted using SVM, and target values of the extracted SVs are replaced with the predictions of trained SVM models, resulting in SV(P) data. Later, during the prediction step, various classifiers are evaluated. The dataset analyzed in this research study pertains to churn prediction in bank credit card customers, with only 6.76% of the samples representing a churner (shifting loyalties to competitors). The classifier’s sensitivity has been accorded the highest priority while evaluating the classification algorithms in this research. It is observed that the soft computing techniques employed in this study outperformed and yielded better sensitivity using the proposed modified SVs(P) data compared to the results obtained using other training data.
Feature ranking, Data modification, Churn prediction, Class imbalance problem, Support Vector Machine.
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