Modelling Pollutant Build-up of Fines for a Peri-Urban Region: A Case Study of Pune Metropolitan City, India
Modelling Pollutant Build-up of Fines for a Peri-Urban Region: A Case Study of Pune Metropolitan City, India |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-6 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Mugdha Kshirsagar, Kanchan Khare |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I6P231 |
How to Cite?
Mugdha Kshirsagar, Kanchan Khare, "Modelling Pollutant Build-up of Fines for a Peri-Urban Region: A Case Study of Pune Metropolitan City, India," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 310-319, 2023. Crossref,
This paper demonstrates the results of extensive field investigations of the build-up of fines on impermeable surfaces in a peri-urban region of Pune Metropolitan City, India, during the winter months. The build-up study was carried out in four different locations based on the varied land use type on concrete or bitumen surfaces. The build-up varies with various environmental and geographical characteristics & is an extremely dynamic process. The build-up was found to be highest in commercial followed by the developing land, residential and urban-rural localities, respectively. Taking into consideration total solids (TS) as prime factors for this analysis, the power equation showed the best fit of the build-up model. The field experiment’s results showed that the build-up process is significantly location-specific; build-up rates vary mainly with road characteristics, road traffic volume, and land usage. The relations between the major prominent parameters of the influencing buildup and the coefficients were evaluated. The multiplication coefficient ‘a’ is positively co-related with sweeping frequency and percentage of residential area while negatively co-related with traffic volume. The coefficient ‘b’ is influenced by traffic volume, roughness index and surface type. The results provide a wider perspective into the particle build-up process and can be further taken up for wash-off model equation formulation. These interpretations will be helpful to decision-makers in the development of sustainable stormwater management practices.
Pollutant Build-Up Models, Land-Use, Stormwater management, Principal component analyses.
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