Thermal Performance and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Blocks Incorporating Plastic Bottle Waste with Crushed Clay Bricks as Coarse Aggregates
Thermal Performance and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Blocks Incorporating Plastic Bottle Waste with Crushed Clay Bricks as Coarse Aggregates |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-9 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Abla Marie-Josée Nadège Kougnigan, John Mwero, Raphael Mutuku |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I9P205 |
How to Cite?
Abla Marie-Josée Nadège Kougnigan, John Mwero, Raphael Mutuku, "Thermal Performance and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Blocks Incorporating Plastic Bottle Waste with Crushed Clay Bricks as Coarse Aggregates," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 46-55, 2023. Crossref,
This research examines the mechanical characteristics and thermal performance of concrete masonry blocks made from clay waste bricks that have been crushed and used as coarse aggregates and incorporated plastic bottles. The study uses plastic bottles of 350 ml of volume and clay brick waste as a complete replacement for traditional aggregates to produce lightweight concrete. The blocks utilized in the study were 150mmx200mmx400mm in size. The blocks underwent testing for various properties such as water absorption, ultrasonic pulse velocity, density, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity according to ASTM C140 standards. The incorporation of plastic bottles created 23% voids in the blocks for the density test, and the results revealed that the block’s performance met the ASTM C129 standards for load-supporting blocks with regard to its capacity to absorb water (134.9 kg/m3), lightness, and strength (12MPa). Additionally, the study revealed a decrease in thermal conductivity by more than 50% compared to conventional concrete blocks without bottles. In conclusion, based on the fact that the blocks studied met the mechanical standards for load-bearing masonry units, it is proposed that the construction sector consider incorporating these types of blocks in areas where heat insulation is necessary to reduce building energy consumption related to cooling.
Clay bricks, Lightweight concrete blocks, Plastic bottles, Thermal conductivity.
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