Improvised Schinder Model for Anaesthesia Drug Delivery in Obese Patients with Optimized Infusion Rate and Patient Safety
Improvised Schinder Model for Anaesthesia Drug Delivery in Obese Patients with Optimized Infusion Rate and Patient Safety |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-9 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Shola Usharani, Rajarajeswari Subbaraj, Appalaraju Muralidhar, Gayathri Rajakumaran, SivaKumar Depuru, Srinivas Nandam |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I9P223 |
How to Cite?
Shola Usharani, Rajarajeswari Subbaraj, Appalaraju Muralidhar, Gayathri Rajakumaran, SivaKumar Depuru, Srinivas Nandam, "Improvised Schinder Model for Anaesthesia Drug Delivery in Obese Patients with Optimized Infusion Rate and Patient Safety," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 256-264, 2023. Crossref,
Advancements in the medical domain are emerging day by day, and one such trendy improvement in the anaesthesia drug delivery is Closed-loop systems. It overcomes the major drawbacks in open-loop anaesthesia drug delivery along with the vital benefit related to continuous monitoring of patient-related parameters to verify the level of drug infused. The Closed Loop Anaesthesia Drug Delivery (CLAD) system is a technique to monitor patients’ haemodynamic and anaesthetic depth variables to control the infusion rate of Propofol drugs using the Marsh model or Schinder model. During this drug delivery model, many challenges are faced by anaesthesiologists and surgeons. Understanding the pathophysiologic effects and its anaesthetic consequences is very important. The benefits of the Schnider model over the other general patients' model will adjust the dose and infusion rate according to the patient’s demographic data. Schinder model suffers from drawbacks related to excessive increase of drug delivery rates during maintenance in obese patients and difficulty setting BMI limits for drug infusion in obese patients. Hence, to address the drawbacks and increase patient safety measures, the proposed model addresses the limitations by focusing on the plasma propofol concentrations instead of whole concentrations. The speed of infusion parameters to monitor cardiac output and lean body mass closely is adjusted to address issues related to obese patients effectively.
Closed Anaesthesia Drug Delivery (CLAD), Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamics (PK-PD), Drug infusion algorithm, Patient safety, Compartmental model, Propofol.
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