Design and Fabrication of a Peanut Roasting Machine for Commercial Use
Design and Fabrication of a Peanut Roasting Machine for Commercial Use |
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© 2023 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-9 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Author : Samuel J. Aliyu, Ojediran. J, Oluwapelumi. D Oguntoye, Gabriel N. Okon, Isaac Akinsanya, Michael. J. Otegbayo, Adedayo A. Banji |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I9P232 |
How to Cite?
Samuel J. Aliyu, Ojediran. J, Oluwapelumi. D Oguntoye, Gabriel N. Okon, Isaac Akinsanya, Michael. J. Otegbayo, Adedayo A. Banji, "Design and Fabrication of a Peanut Roasting Machine for Commercial Use," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 367-374, 2023. Crossref,
A commercial peanut roasting machine PRM was designed and fabricated to solve the breakage problem and improve product hygiene during operation. Evaluating the performance of PRM, some tests were carried out with sun-dried peanuts from the market in Omu-Aran, Nigeria. Some parameters considered for testing were the peanuts' mass, dimensions and moisture content. During the test, a constant speed of 4.55rpm is maintained as the temperature varies between 140°C to 180°C for a duration of 10 mins. The average moisture content of the sun-dried peanut samples is approximately 6% before roasting. According to research, the moisture content of some roasted peanuts is approximately 1%. The average moisture contents of the peanuts after roasting at different temperatures of 140°C, 160°C and 180°C were observed to have reduced from 6% to 1.78%, 1.26% and 0.76%, respectively. The ratios of mass of the unbroken peanuts after roasting to the mass of peanuts fed into the machine were 93%, 94% and 92% at 140°C, 146°C and 180°C, respectively. The results show that the PRM performed optimally within the temperature interval of 160°C - 180°C with a moisture content range of 1.78% - 0.76%. During the experiment, the operating capacity was 6kg/hr (1kg/batch). A healthy diet is a fundamental human right efficiency of the machine has a beneficial roasting efficiency of 91%, 8% seed damage and 1% seed burn. The machine has an impact edge of ± than some of the existing peanut roasting machines.
Design, Moisture content, Peanuts, Roasting machine efficiency, Temperature.
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