Web System to Improve Productivity in the Operational Management of Companies
Web System to Improve Productivity in the Operational Management of Companies |
© 2024 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-72 Issue-11 |
Year of Publication : 2024 | ||
Author : Diego Castillo-Diaz, Jano Iwaya-Reyes, Michael Cabanillas-Carbonell |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I11P127 |
How to Cite?
Diego Castillo-Diaz, Jano Iwaya-Reyes, Michael Cabanillas-Carbonell, "Web System to Improve Productivity in the Operational Management of Companies," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 269-278, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I11P127
Developing web applications and systems has become crucial to improving companies' operational efficiency. This article aims to present the successful application of Scrum in developing a web system designed to improve operational efficiency in a multiservice company. Scrum, known for its flexibility and adaptability, enables constant stakeholder communication and early value delivery. The article details the development process, from planning to implementing key functionalities. In addition, the results of an expert evaluation are presented, supporting the choice of Scrum and the quality of the developed system. The resulting average score of 4.51 indicates that the system has been rated “Very Good”. In conclusion, this article highlights the importance of choosing the right methodology in a digital business transformation environment and how Scrum has become a solid choice for web systems development projects.
Web system, Scrum, Adaptability, Digital transformation, Operational Management.
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