Validating PLS and Artificial Neural Network hybrid approach to Test Antecedents of Eco-Label Purchase Behaviour

Validating PLS and Artificial Neural Network hybrid approach to Test Antecedents of Eco-Label Purchase Behaviour

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-6
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Deeksha Sharma, Pawan Kumar, Avinash Rana, Monoo John, Vishal Soodan
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I6P110

How to Cite?

Deeksha Sharma, Pawan Kumar, Avinash Rana, Monoo John, Vishal Soodan, "Validating PLS and Artificial Neural Network hybrid approach to Test Antecedents of Eco-Label Purchase Behaviour," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 92-105, 2024. Crossref,

There are great prospects attached to the growth of the future of the food industry as more and more consumers are aware of the environment since they are looking for eco-friendly food products. The current study attempts to gauge the factors determining the purchase of eco-labelled food products by millennials. Using Behavioural Reasoning Theory (BRT) as a base, this study developed hypothesized direct and moderating relationships between variables. The hypotheses were tested using sample data of Indian millennials (n = 411). The study was divided into two stages, wherein stage one involved Partial Least Square SEM (PLS-SEM) using R studio were used to analyze data. In the second stage, the study employed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to reveal the influence of antecedents on behaviour. The findings indicate a significant role of perceived ecolabel credibility, green environmental knowledge and green communications in forming millennials’ attitudes towards ecolabels. Study results also indicate a major role of attitude in shaping millennials’ intentions which further impacts purchase behaviour. Research results would assist food marketers to channelize their efforts towards green marketing, green supply chain management and eco-friendly food products. Study implications would ease the dissemination of ecolabels which would reduce the ambiguity within consumers and would earn consumers’ trust for a competitive advantage.

Consumerism, Green marketing, Sustainability, Reward process, Trust.

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