Advancing Skin Cancer Lesion Detection and Classification: A State-of-the-Art Approach Integrating Convolutional Neural Networks and Graph Neural Networks

Advancing Skin Cancer Lesion Detection and Classification: A State-of-the-Art Approach Integrating Convolutional Neural Networks and Graph Neural Networks

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Dhatri Raval, Jaimin N Undavia
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I7P116

How to Cite?

Dhatri Raval, Jaimin N Undavia, "Advancing Skin Cancer Lesion Detection and Classification: A State-of-the-Art Approach Integrating Convolutional Neural Networks and Graph Neural Networks," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 147-156, 2024. Crossref,

Identifying skin cancer on time is very important for effective treatment and enhanced results in patients. In this study, an innovative approach is proposed that harnesses the power of deep learning through a hybrid model. The hybrid model of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures like Graph-Convolutional-Neural-Network (GCNN) or even ResNet for improvement in cancer detection accuracy. To address challenges related to image quality and noise, we employ preprocessing on images, such as image resizing and purifying on skin cancer images. For completing the tasks of augmented training data set and enhancing the quality of the hybrid CNN-GNN model, different augmentation methods are used. Through rigorous evaluation it is demonstrated that the hybrid CNN-GCNN approach surpasses emerging methods, emerging as the most effective solution for skin cancer detection. The proposed hybrid model achieves dramatic performance on the skin cancer dataset, and the accuracy obtained is around 99.8% with a loss of 0.1212. The accuracy of validation is 96.8%, with a loss of 0.1401. The obtained results underscore the efficacy of the hybrid CNN-GNN model in accurately identifying skin cancer lesions. By leveraging the complementary dominance of architectures of CNN and GNN, the hybrid approach showcases promising outcomes for the timely finding of skin cancer. The research plays a very important role in the advancements of clinical settings and offers a valuable tool in the diagnosis of skin cancer by clinicians. The diagnosis is prompt and effective, which improves patient care and outcomes.

Computer-Aided Cancer Detection, Data Augmentation, Graphical Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

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