Beneficiation of Bauxite Ore Characterized by Low-Grade and High Silica Content Using Crushing and Scrubbing Technique

Beneficiation of Bauxite Ore Characterized by Low-Grade and High Silica Content Using Crushing and Scrubbing Technique

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Manoj Modi, Pankaj Dewangan
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I7P122

How to Cite?

Manoj Modi, Pankaj Dewangan, "Beneficiation of Bauxite Ore Characterized by Low-Grade and High Silica Content Using Crushing and Scrubbing Technique," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 207-213, 2024. Crossref,

Bauxite is the primary ore of aluminum used to extract alumina in Bayer’s process. It comprises hydrated forms of aluminum oxide (alumina) found in diverse structural configurations, dependent upon the hydration level and crystalline structure. Generally, four to six metric tons of bauxite raw materials are required to get one ton of aluminium metal, depending upon the quality of bauxite ore. The quality of bauxite ore governs the recovery of alumina from bauxite ore, i.e. total alumina content, silica content, as well as hematite and percentage of other impurities. Global bauxite reserves contain extensive quantities of ore, though certain reserves remain economically unviable because of higher levels of reactive silica, resulting in huge losses of caustic soda in the plant. With the depletion of high-grade ore reserves, there is a growing necessity to explore cost-effective processing methods for low-grade bauxite. This paper elucidates several beneficiation techniques, including crushing, size classification, washing, scrubbing, and gravity separation, aimed at reducing silica content and enhancing recoverable alumina content. The beneficiation process of crushing, screening and scrubbing has been performed on field samples. The samples chosen for the study mainly belong to high silica-containing low-grade bauxite ores which is generally considered as marginal subgrade ore.

Alumina, Aluminum, Bauxite, Beneficiation, Silica.

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