An Approach to Minimize Circulating Current and Load Sharing Error in Low Voltage DC Microgrid Through Adaptive Droop Control Technique

An Approach to Minimize Circulating Current and Load Sharing Error in Low Voltage DC Microgrid Through Adaptive Droop Control Technique

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Shilpa Patel, Rajnikant Bhesdadiya, Hitesh Karkar
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I8P132

How to Cite?
Shilpa Patel, Rajnikant Bhesdadiya, Hitesh Karkar,"An Approach to Minimize Circulating Current and Load Sharing Error in Low Voltage DC Microgrid Through Adaptive Droop Control Technique," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 342-352, 2024. Crossref,

Recently, Researchers have become increasingly interested in DC microgrids as a more efficient solution for local energy needs. These microgrids integrate modern electrical load, energy storage technology, and distributed generators. However, due to cable resistance, managing voltage at common DC bus and load current control becomes complex among power converters and DC gird terminals. This can lead to undesirable load sharing and increased circulating current. This research presents an adaptive droop control method that enhances load distribution among power converters and decreases circulating current with excellent voltage regulation. An Adaptive Droop Resistance (ADR) is calculated from the minimum difference between the converter’s current and voltage deviations. A MATLAB code is implemented to select the adaptive droop resistance from a range of droop values. This resistance is then multiplied by the converter’s current to produce a new reference for PI controllers. The adaptive droop control technique is simple and effective, requiring only bus voltage, converter voltages, and converter current to determine the new droop value. The research compares fixed lower droop, fixed higher droop, and the proposed adaptive droop control technique, providing a detailed explanation of load-sharing issues. With Conviction to this, a suggestion for future research is also provided. The feasibility of this suggested approach is simulated and analyzed using MATLAB/Simulink.

DC microgrid, Load sharing, Voltage deviation, Droop control, Parallel converters.

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