The Use of Bioimpedance in Renal Problems and Monitoring for Volume Analysis: A Literature Review

The Use of Bioimpedance in Renal Problems and Monitoring for Volume Analysis: A Literature Review

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Michael Cieza-Terrones, José Carlos De la Flor, Jorge Rico-Fontalvo, Rodrigo Daza-Arnedo, Francisco Valga, Misael Cieza-Armas, Alicia Alva-Mantari
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I8P138

How to Cite?
Michael Cieza-Terrones, José Carlos De la Flor, Jorge Rico-Fontalvo, Rodrigo Daza-Arnedo, Francisco Valga, Misael Cieza-Armas, Alicia Alva-Mantari,"The Use of Bioimpedance in Renal Problems and Monitoring for Volume Analysis: A Literature Review," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 415-428, 2024. Crossref,

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) constitutes a significant public health challenge due to its high prevalence and serious implications for patients’ health. In this context, bioimpedance stands out as an emerging tool with great potential for early detection and continuous monitoring of CKD. Through a systematic review based on the Scopus database and following a methodology adapted from PRISMA, this analysis delves into the use of BIA to assess hydration status in individuals affected by CKD. The meticulous search resulted in the identification of 458 relevant publications, including 23 reviews, 22 conference papers, and 1 editorial letter, highlighting a predominance of observational studies (85%) compared to randomized controlled clinical trials (15%). This research highlights a notable increase in interest and research into bioimpedance and CKD, particularly evident since 2019. Bioimpedance is validated as well as a valuable tool for accurate assessment of hydration in CKD patients, calling attention to the imperative for further research to consolidate its utility in early detection and effective monitoring of this critical condition.

Chronic Kidney Disease, Extracellular Resistance, PRISMA, Cellular bioimpedance model, Capacitance.

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