Career Prospects and Constraining Factors for Female Seafarers in National Shipping Companies

Career Prospects and Constraining Factors for Female Seafarers in National Shipping Companies

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-9
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Andi Yuyun Pinrapati Wajuanna, Musbir, Baharuddin Hamzah
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I9P124

How to Cite?
Andi Yuyun Pinrapati Wajuanna, Musbir, Baharuddin Hamzah, "Career Prospects and Constraining Factors for Female Seafarers in National Shipping Companies," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 297-303, 2024. Crossref,

Gender inequality in the national shipping industry is unavoidable, as indicated by the involvement of male dominance (98%). This study aims to analyze the employment opportunities of female seafarers and the aspects that influence them. The method used is a literature study and interviewer, and the quantitative method of the logistic regression model is used. The results showed that there are three main factors that influence the employment opportunities of female seafarers, namely age, marital status and education level. The results of the analysis of female seafarers' employment opportunities in the form of a logistic regression model are g(x) = 7.250 - 0.257x + 0.185D1 - 0.417D2, where X is the age of female seafarers, D1 is marital status (0 = married, 1 = unmarried), and D2 is education (0 = non-diploma, 1 = D-IV sailing). The negative β coefficient value (-0.257) indicates that the age of 17 years to 25 years is the productive age of women who are able to compete with male seafarers, while the positive β value of 0.185 indicates that marital status is influential in constraining female seafarers in the national shipping industry. Marital status is also the main obstacle to women's careers in shipping companies; this is indicated by a negative β value of -0.417. It can be concluded that the employment opportunities of female seafarers still face obstacles that need to be overcome, such as gender equality, raising awareness about the importance of gender inclusion in the shipping sector, other obstacles faced by female seafarers, such as gender stereotypes, limited facilities for women on board. Shipping companies should raise awareness of gender issues and policies to encourage the participation of female seafarers.

Women seafarers, Gender, Barriers to National Seafaring Career, IMO, Employment Opportunities.


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