Design of an Embedded System Applying IoT to Reduce the Mortality of Pigs Due to Stress Syndrome Before Being Benefited

Design of an Embedded System Applying IoT to Reduce the Mortality of Pigs Due to Stress Syndrome Before Being Benefited

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-1
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Jeffry Ricaldi -Cerdan, Paico-Campos Meyluz
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I1P120

How to Cite?
Jeffry Ricaldi -Cerdan, Paico-Campos Meyluz, "Design of an Embedded System Applying IoT to Reduce the Mortality of Pigs Due to Stress Syndrome Before Being Benefited," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 237-249, 2025. Crossref,

Today, per capita consumption of pork has increased considerably in the Peruvian territory, with an average increase of 5%, which has caused some farms to accelerate the processing of pigs. For this, it is very important that the pig, before being processed in the slaughterhouse, is physically and mentally healthy to obtain a good quality product. Some studies indicate that 10% of pigs die before being benefited due to various factors such as stress syndrome, infectious diseases, poor transfer of pigs in transport, among others. Therefore, this article proposes a prototype to monitor pigs at the time of their transfer to the slaughterhouse to reduce the aforementioned mortality. For this, an embedded system is used that applies IoT to monitor in real time through smart sensors that will read the temperature, humidity, acceleration and movement speed of each pig. For this, an air conditioning system is used to control the temperature automatically through the ESP32 platform, sensors such as MPU6050, MQ135 and DHT11, INFLUX DB database and a GRAFANA panel to observe the statistical graphs of the system. Finally, this prototype aims to avoid economic losses on farms, reduce mortality through IoT technology, and ensure that the pigs arrive in the best conditions to obtain fresh, good-quality meat since the latter determines the cost of each pig.

IoT, ESP32, Database, Sensors, Embedded System, Pig.

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