Enhancing Hard Turning Performance: The Crucial Role of Cutting Parameters and Tool Geometry

Enhancing Hard Turning Performance: The Crucial Role of Cutting Parameters and Tool Geometry

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-2
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Pham Minh Duc, Hieu Giang Le
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I2P107

How to Cite?
Pham Minh Duc, Hieu Giang Le, "Enhancing Hard Turning Performance: The Crucial Role of Cutting Parameters and Tool Geometry," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 73-91, 2025. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I2P107

Hard turning has emerged as a prominent alternative to traditional grinding due to its advantages, including improved productivity, flexibility, and cost efficiency. However, conventional machining techniques are ineffective for hard turning because of their unique challenges, rendering traditional turning theories inapplicable. Although numerous studies have explored the effects of cutting parameters and tool materials on hard-turning performance, a comprehensive understanding of this process remains limited. This paper provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of how cutting conditions and tool geometry affect key performance characteristics in hard turning. It also discusses recent advancements in achieving smooth surfaces and compares the effectiveness of hard turning versus grinding, highlighting both economic and technical benefits. Additionally, the paper reviews advanced modeling and optimization techniques used in various studies. These insights offer valuable references for researchers and practitioners to optimize hard-turning processes, enhancing manufacturing efficiency and product quality.

Hard turning, Cutting forces, Cutting temperature, Tool wear, Surface roughness.

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