Formal Development of Blockchain Enabled E Healthcare System Using Event-B

Formal Development of Blockchain Enabled E Healthcare System Using Event-B

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-2
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Raghuraj Singh Suryavanshi, Vishal Nagar, Abhishek Rawat, Divakar Yadav
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I2P110

How to Cite?
Raghuraj Singh Suryavanshi, Vishal Nagar, Abhishek Rawat, Divakar Yadav, "Formal Development of Blockchain Enabled E Healthcare System Using Event-B," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 119-134, 2025. Crossref,

Developing complicated systems makes correct software development a difficult process. Software may contain imperfections as a result of incorrect specifications. Traditional testing procedures are insufficient to ensure the proper functioning of a complicated system. Formal approaches are essential to capture accurate system requirements and accurate logic about the challenges. Formal methods are a mathematical approach that provides issued specifications, solutions, and verification of correctness. This paper presents the formal verification of the Blockchain Enabled Electronic Health Record System using Event-B, implemented in Remix IDE using Blockchain Technology. Blockchain technology ensures transparency and integrity while securely storing and exchanging patient data. Its decentralized structure can facilitate smooth interoperability between healthcare providers, improve data security, and streamline operations. Event B is a formal technique for system-level modeling. It is a mathematical and formal notation that allows complicated systems to be specified, refined, and verified. This paper aims to use blockchain technology and a formal verification process for developing the Electronic health record system with proof of obligation and provide secure data storage by defining easy access rules for the users of the proposed framework. This work is to provide the electronic health record system with the benefits of scalable, secure, transparent, and integral blockchain-based solutions.

Blockchain technology, E-Healthcare system, Event-B, Formal methods, Smart contract.

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