Revolutionizing Consumer Engagement: Exploring AI-Powered Advertising in the Social Media Era with Special Reference to High-tech Ventures

Revolutionizing Consumer Engagement: Exploring AI-Powered Advertising in the Social Media Era with Special Reference to High-tech Ventures

© 2025 by IJETT Journal
Volume-73 Issue-2
Year of Publication : 2025
Author : Uday Kiran kommuri, Thangaraja Arumugam
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V73I2P116

How to Cite?
Uday Kiran kommuri, Thangaraja Arumugam, "Revolutionizing Consumer Engagement: Exploring AI-Powered Advertising in the Social Media Era with Special Reference to High-tech Ventures," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 185-199, 2025. Crossref,

Social media is becoming a preeminent platform for advertising organizations. However, most advertisers face enormous challenges in designing an advertisement that effectively involves online customers and encourages them to purchase the brand. Thus, the research objective is to find the effect of advertising messages and their impact on consumer purchases by adopting the SOR model approach on Generation “Y”. The study will also evaluate the impact of AI enabled Advertising as a moderator, Personal Involvement, and consumer engagement as a mediator on the stimulus received through online ads. The stimulus-organism-response (SOR) framework has been extensively studied for the previous generations; however, the tool’s ability to provide insight into how Generation Y respond to communications influenced by AI, customer engagement, and online ads has not been thoroughly explored. The study has used a prevalence study to analyze data from a particular sample. The study adopted a five-point Likert scale, and convenience sampling was adopted for collecting information from 528 respondents. The Amos-SEM modelling was adopted to examine the relationship of the advertising messages, AI-enabled content, specific significance to everyone, and an individual’s involvement in the intention to purchase. The result of this study validates the hypothesis framed, i.e. there is a high impact between the stimuli- advertising message and behaviour- consumer engagement. The results showed how the communicated message through the ad advertising message impacts cognitive processing and superficial cues. It also accentuates how crucial the role played by social media is in fostering customer engagement. However, the results also support the idea that AI content might function as a moderator to influence both consumer engagement and advertising messages.

Social media platform, Stimulus-Organism-Response model, Advertising message, Perceived personal relevance, Consumer engagement and Purchase intention.

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