Experimental Study of Home Automation by Bicycle Pedal Power Using of Different Sprocket
Ram Singh , Prof. Mrs. D.C. Sharma ."Experimental Study of Home Automation by Bicycle Pedal Power Using of Different Sprocket", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), 8(2),77-81 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This study attempts to measure the optimal pedaling rates for given power output levels as well as design the optimal number of gears and the corresponding gear ratios. With respect to human performance and power efficiency, the gear system in typical multi-speed bicycles is often biased and redundant. The efficiency are increased by using of five different sprocket with having various teeth. A bicycle gear system is frequently designed without ergonomic expertise in terms of performance and efficiency. The optimal performance during bicycle riding, thereby facilitating the efficiency and effectiveness of human exercise using a bicycle.
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Gear ratio; Bicycle riding; Ergonomic design;.