Design and Analysis of Disc Brake

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-8 Number-4                          
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors :  Swapnil R. Abhang , D.P.Bhaskar


Swapnil R. Abhang , D.P.Bhaskar."Design and Analysis of Disc Brake", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V8(4),165-167 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


Each single system has been studied and developed in order to meet safety requirement. Instead of having air bag, good suspension systems, good handling and safe cornering, there is one most critical system in the vehicle which is brake systems. Without brake system in the vehicle will put a passenger in unsafe position. Therefore, it is must for all vehicles to have proper brake system. In this paper carbon ceramic matrix disc brake material use for calculating normal force, shear force and piston force. And also calculating the brake distance of disc brake. The standard disc brake two wheelers model using in Ansys and done the Thermal analysis and Modal analysis also calculate the deflection and Heat flux, Temperature of disc brake model. This is important to understand action force and friction force on the disc brake new material, how disc brake works more efficiently, which can help to reduce the accident that may happen in each day.


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Disc Brake, Thermal Analysis, Modal Analysis, Ansys