Analysis of ECG Signal Compression Technique Using Discrete Wavelet Transform for Different Wavelets

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-8 Number-4                          
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors :  Anand Kumar Patwari , Durgesh Pansari , Vijay Prakash Singh


Anand Kumar Patwari , Durgesh Pansari , Vijay Prakash Singh."Analysis of ECG Signal Compression Technique Using Discrete Wavelet Transform for Different Wavelets", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V8(4),168-173 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


This paper presents the ECG compression technique using wavelet transform corresponds to the different wavelets. There are so many techniques are popular for ECG compression. The wavelet based techniques are most popular and conveniently implementable. Here in this paper, we have performed the ECG compression using the lossless coding technique. Further we have analyzed the results for the different wavelet belong to the different families, on the basis of different parameters i.e. PRD, Compression Ratio and finally the conclusion is made from the obtained results, which are given in this paper.


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Root mean square difference (PRD), Compression ratio (CR), Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)