Detection of Node Clones in Wireless Sensor Network Using Detection Protocols
Neenu George , T.K.Parani."Detection of Node Clones in Wireless Sensor Network Using Detection Protocols", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V8(6),286-291 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Wireless sensor networks consist of hundreds to thousands of sensor nodes and are widely used in civilian and security applications. One of the serious physical attacks faced by the wireless sensor network is node clone attack. Thus two node clone detection protocols are introduced via distributed hash table and randomly directed exploration to detect node clones. The former is based on a hash table value which is already distributed and provides key based facilities like checking and caching to detect node clones. The later one is using probabilistic directed forwarding technique and border determination. The simulation results for storage consumption, communication cost and detection probability is done using NS2 and obtained randomly directed exploration is the best one having low communication cost and storage consumption and has good detection probability.
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wireless sensor networks (wsn), distributed hash table, randomly directed exploration.