Low Mobility Based Geographic Routing Strategy
Prashanth Kolandaiswami Arjunan , Saravanan Jayaram , Vignesh Swaminathan. "Low Mobility Based Geographic Routing Strategy", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V8(8),419-424 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
In geographic routing, nodes need to maintain up-to-date positions of their immediate neighbours for making effective forwarding decisions. Periodic broadcasting of beacon packets regardless of the node mobility and traffic patterns are proved to increase the update cost and decreases the routing performance. If only a small percentage of the nodes are involved in forwarding packets, it is unnecessary for nodes which are located far away from the forwarding path to employ periodic beaconing because these updates are not useful for forwarding the current traffic. Hence Adaptive Position Update (APU) Scheme was introduced, (i) nodes whose movements are harder to predict update their positions more frequently (and vice versa), and (ii) nodes closer to forwarding paths update their positions more frequently (and vice versa). Further we contend that if forwarding nodes have high mobility there is an increased risk of frequent link failures. Thereby we propose a low mobility based forwarding node selection strategy to improve the routing performance and energy efficiency of the nodes in the system. Extensive simulations demonstrated that our routing strategy has two interesting features: 1) Less number of link failures with improved packet delivery ratio. 2) Less energy consumption when compared to APU alone and periodic broadcasting schemes.
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Wireless communication, algorithm/protocol design and analysis, routing protocols.