Development of FPGA based Human Voice Recognition System with MFCC feature
Mr. Anand Mantri , Mr. Mukesh Tiwari , Mr. Jaikaran Singh. "Development of FPGA based Human Voice Recognition System with MFCC feature", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V8(10),546-550 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The voice recognition development on the hardware is also a challenging field due to minimal hardware resource utilization with higher accuracy demand. This paper described the FPGA based human voice recognition system. This system includes voice activity detection, MFCC feature extraction, HMM filter generation and classification of voice. The system is train for different person with the repeated voice for achieving the higher accuracy. The HMM filter coefficient for different person is only stored for reducing the memory utilization. The standard FFT and DCT blocks are used to reduce the hardware utilization. The development results are given in this paper for illustrating the effectiveness of system.
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FPGA, Voice Recognition, MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients), HMM (Hidden Markov Model), VAD (Voice Activity Detection), LPC.