A Framework for Pricing Schemes for Networks under Complete Information
Aditya Goyal , Akanksha Tyagi , Manisha Bhende , Swapnil Kawade. "A Framework for Pricing Schemes for Networks under Complete Information", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V9(2),69-73 March 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The revenue maximization problem of service provider is considered and different pricing schemes to solve the above problem are implemented. The service provider can choose an apt pricing scheme subjected to limited resources, if he knows the utility function and identity of the user. The complete price differentiation can achieve a large revenue gain but has high implementation complexity. The partial price differentiation scheme to overcome the high implementational complexity of complete price differentiation scheme is also studied. A polynomial- time algorithm is designed for partial price differentiation scheme that can compute the optimal partial differentiation prices. The willingness of the users to pay is also considered while designing price differentiation schemes.
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Network Pricing, Price Differentiation, Revenue Management, Resource Allocation