Performance Improvement in OFDM System with Interleaving and Blanking over Impulse Noise Environment
Merin Elsa Mathew , J.Jeevitha , Reethu K , Anusha Chacko. "Performance Improvement in OFDM System with Interleaving and Blanking over Impulse Noise Environment", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V9(7),347-352 March 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
OFDM is a relatively new way to the field of digital communication but is finding more and more use due to its high spectral efficiency and robustness against interfering signal. Impulse noise is one of the major factors that can cause severe bit error performance degradation in OFDM systems. The impulse noise is usually of very short duration compared to symbol duration in parallel transmission. For both wired and wireless transmission, the frequency-selective fading is another significant source of disturbances for OFDM applications. The presence of these types of disturbances cause reliable communication difficult and also affects all the sub carriers in a symbol due to the Fast Fourier Transform operations at the receiver. TDI in conjunction with a two-level threshold-based blanking scheme is used to combat the effects of multipath propagation as well as IN. For the better performance of the system interleaving is used before and after the IFFT operation. An OFDM system with 64 qam modulation is considered. Gated Gaussian model is considered as the impulse noise model and compared the performance of different equalizers.
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OFDM, Impulse noise, FFT, IFFT, Interleaving.