Design and Implementation of Coupled-Line Wilkinson Power Dividers Using Alumina Substrate
Taufiqqurrachman , Hana Arisesa , I Dewa Putu Hernida , Deni Permana. "Design and Implementation of Coupled-Line Wilkinson Power Dividers Using Alumina Substrate", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V9(7),363-365 March 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper presents design and implementation of coupled-line Wilkinson power dividers at frequency 2.4GHz using alumina substrate. This design using Wilkinson power dividers method where consist of two ??? impedance in the form of coupled lines on microstrip and one resistor is connected on the both of output ports. Design parameters used in the design of coupled lines dividers are input and output matching, insertion loss and isolation between the both output ports. The design parameters presented in graph on the simulation result from ADS2011.10 software simulation and the measurement result from vector network analyzer (VNA) R3770 from Advantest. The simulation and measurement results show almost the same results where the return loss is less than -15dB, insertion loss is about -3dB and isolation between the output ports is more than -12dB.
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Alumina, Coupled-Lines, Wilkinson Power Divider.